القائمة الرئيسية


Intermittent Fasting to lose weight and stay healthy

 You feel yourself so lazy and your overweight stoppes you from doing fun activities, you fear of cardiac diseases related to obesity, you got tired of bad comments on your shape, then you wish to start loosing weight
One of the modern effective methodes people are following is intermittent fasting, which is defined by a cycle of eating and non eating periods over a given time, some people fasts for 16 hours and eats in the remaining hour, while others prefer to stop eating for a full day and have their meal on the next one

Actually intermittent fasting doesn't only help you to lose weight, but it also develops your patience and longanimity

Today we're going to talk about an app that helps you to start another lifestyle with intermittent fasting, and you'll start noticing you're weight losing very soon

Actually the biggest problem in maintaining intermittent fasting is time organizing, when to eat and when not to! Because most of us are not used to this type of lifestyle,
This app will help you to schedule your time, and it will remind you when the time comes to eating, in addition to the many advices it will give you about good and healthy nutrition especially when you are trying intermittent fasting

App advantages
Reminders on dinner and breakfast times

Schedules to follow and count your fasting and non fasting hours

This app will give you the chance to predict the weight you will gain or loose in the next few days if you really abide by the intermittent fasting

It will give you some exercises to practice in parallel with your new eating habits

If you have any problem using this app, you can call the support team to fix the issue

Download the application 
Start living a new better lifestyle, and get rid of this overweight you hate by downloading this app click here


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