Do you have a lot of time that you don't know what to do with, watching movies and series may be the thing you are searching for
Actually, every country has its specific and own characteristics for the series it makes, for example Turkey is famous for its love stories, whereas UAE loves to make Comedia ,the most
Anyway if you are addicted to series, you may love to see all kinds of drama and get to know all the cultures in the world by watching their movies and series and enjoying them, the problem you may face that you can't see everything you want on TV, because not all channels are available in all countries, and also your time may not be compatible with the show times
Today we are going to talk about an app that will be like a small TV you can carry with you in your small pocket wherever you go
It's Weyyak App
About the App
Having this app will give you the chance to watch any Arabic series you want including Syrian, Lebanese and Egyptian
It also gives you some translated or dubbed movies and series which means that you can hear them talking with your own language even if they are originally spoken with other one
This app will also let you watch some channels that are locked on TVs such as Zeemovies and Zeecolors
Apps Features
This app is free to use in many countries and you can download it on any device you have for example you may love to install it on your iPad so it's better for watching
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It's also suitable for all ages so it has some cartoon programs that your children may watch and also some adult movies
If you don't know what to watch this app will let you have a look on the most common and popular movies and series for these dates you may love some of them just buy their posters and you start watching and enjoying
You can also type the name of what you want to watch in the search box and you'll mostly find it
You can also choose the video quality that suits your internet connection speed
This app is empty of advertisements that bothers you when watching on TV
Start watching any series you love from east to west by downloading this special app from the link below click here
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