القائمة الرئيسية


How to protect yourself from the danger of sun


After the long walk under the sun lamp, your skin may be hurt, there, the importance of the untisolar comes
Actually, you can make your own solar cream by yourself, continue reading if your are interested

In Fact, the sun is essential for our lives, we can't live without it, and as we can see, we have increasing numbers of diseases because the modern jobs need closed places to work in, this caused to lower amounts of solar exposure to people

Sun lamp produces vitamin D in our bodies, which is very important for us, because it makes our bones stronger, and also make our immunity ready to fight any enemy that enters our body
But, many solar radiation lead to many problems

When to know that it's enough of sun exposure
When you feel your eyes shrinking

When you have an inflammation on your skin, you feel it hot and red and also painful when you touch it

Headache may also be a symptom when a lot of solar lamps enter your body

You also see a lot pustules when you walk a lot under the sun

What does the sun cause
You absolutely know that Sun Burns, actually this type of injuries is considered as a superficial one, your epidermis will be hurt, so it will redden and be painful, but it will recover spontaneously, although you can use some creams to decrease the pain

If you have a look on your skin where the T-shirt covers and on a naked area, you can see the contrast between the two colors, the sun makes the skin darker, people who are also exposed to sun, seem to have a tanned skin

Sun harms the collagen fibers, so the aging signs appear early on people who don't protect their skin from solar exposure

Young children who spend their times in the street under the sun, will have freckles because of the solar radiation

Sun may sometimes be very dangerous, when people go to the beaches and spend much time under the sun to have tanned skin, especially in the time between 12 to 4 pm, may sadly develop cancers

How to protect yourself
You can make some natural mixtures by yourself and in your house, using the following components
A mixture of cucumbers and Alovera, after putting this mask for 20 minutes, you'll feel your skin refreshed

Camomile and honey make also a good mixture to make, this will help you to relax your skin and prevent it from burning
These masks make a good soldier defending your face from the dangerous UV

You can also use natural oils to make a good solar cream, we will tell you about some common oils you can mix to have a good result
Sesame Oil will reduce 30% of the sun lamps entering your body

Olive Oil will make your skin wetter and refreshed

Coconut Oil will also be good to your hair

Gogoba Oil also protects your epidermis from the sun lamp

The soya bean will lessen the redness caused by the solar radiation.

And now we will introduce you to an app that will also be useful for skin care, an app that will give you many advices to look after your beautiful skin and try to make it always looking beautifull, you won't have to spend all your money buying creams and skin care products, having this app will let you care about your skin freely and safely

Download this special app from the link below click here


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