القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع

     You may spend hours scrolling down on Google Play searching for a perfect keyboard you can install, a keyboard that is not similar to the original one that comes with devices, a keyboard that will help you to type what you want easily and without any mistake, a keyboard which gives you many amazing features you can enjoy, a one that can provide you some cute emojis

    Today we are going to save your time by telling you about the best Arabic keyboard on electronic stores, continue reading to explore the tamam keyboard

    About the app
    This app will let you type fast, you just have to type the first letter of the word and then the app will suggest to you all the common words starting with this letters, and also the most common used for you, you can also add the words you want to the dictionary it has

    If you are a new member in the Arabic talkers Club and you still don't know how to write in Arabic language and you don't know all the grammar of writing,and you are also not used to the Arabic letters, you can use the Franco feature, by using this feature you can type the word you want using English letters and the app will automatically convert it to the Arabic ones

    And also if you are talking with foreign people and you don't speak their language, you can type the word you want with Arabic and the app will give you its translation immediately, so now you don't have to close the app and go to other one to translate the word, copy it, and paste it in the first app you are using, you just have to install this special keyboard and it will help you to do so without any efforts and with a very little period of time

    Apps Features
    This app will let you have a unique keyboard with special colors and themes, you don't have to choose the default one with the normal Gray Shades of color, you can use this app to change the colors to the ones you want, Pinky or red and also blue

    You can also add a background to the keyboard from your gallery so you put the picture you like the most and you will be always seeing it while you are typing

    Although it's an Arabic keyboard but it has many languages you can use such as English, French, Spanish, and many more

    And you can also change the Fonts to the one you like the most

    This app has many special emojis to use and also stickers that you can send to people when you can't express what's in your mind

    This app will also give you some quotes you can use about anything you want, love, life and many more

    It's very special, free,and easy to use that you can download on your mobile

    Be one of the 10 millions people that once downloaded this special app by clicking on the link below click here
