القائمة الرئيسية


Make learning maths funny with today's game

التنقل السريع

     Many kids around the world hate schools, and many of those school haters feel like that because of mathematics
    To avoid this problem with your kids, you have to start teaching them about subjects early, especially maths

    In Fact, children start learning numbers at their first years, when they first say Mama, they will soon be able to count to Ten, and they soon will be able to tell you that seven is bigger than three

    If you are already reading this article, then you mostly have a mobilephone that you can use for very useful things, and one of them is teaching your kids how to deal with numbers and mathematics early and in many funny ways

    Today we are going to introduce you to an app that makes from having fun a way for learning, let your kids love maths before they start their school age, continue with us to read about this special game

    About the Game
    This game will refresh your brain, it will strengthen the mathematical skills
    It teaches numbers and figures
    It teaches the mathematical calculations 
    It also teaches children how to compare between big forms and small ones

    Apps Features 
    It's designed to teache children in a logical way

    This game has many attractive illustrated pictures for animals and food to let children have fun with learning

    This game develops the creativity and the imagination of the child

    You can download this for free

    Easy to play 

    Your children will get rid of boredom with it

    Mathematics is the key to explore the world, so let your kid start his journey with playing it by downloading from the link below click here
