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Mendely Application to organize all the books and scientific publications

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     No matter what is the field you work or you study, for everything in life needs to be up to date and this can be done by inventions and exploring
    So there it comes the necessity to scientific research, scientists and science lovers work hard everyday to come up with new ideas and updating the knowledge we got

    One of the most important steps of writing a medical research on a paper that can be public on scientific journals is to identify your references because there is no new without the old
    Today we are going to introduce you to an app that will help you to accomplish this step perfectly,this app will be your shelves that contains old the books and you know that you depended on to write your scientific research
    Continue reading to know more about the most special app, Mendely

    Mendely Application 
    This app will organize all the books and scientific Publications you used and it will round them sequently and the way you want anymore from A to Z or from newest to the oldest

    Apps Features
    One of the most important apps for any scientific researcher

    You can search for any book you want to take as a reference, even scientific journals are included in the app's database
    You can open your account from any device you want

    You can also search for what you want by typing the name of the author or even the date of publication

    You can create folders where you can add the books you will use so you get back to them easily

    You can read the paper you want because it also works as a pdf reader, and you can highlight the things you are interested in the most

    Apps Features
    Free to download

    It's 40 Megabytes to install

    This app is made by the famous Elsivier publishing house

    Take the first step on the scientific research by downloading this app from the link below
