القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع

     Every medical student once dreamed of himself walking in USA streets, entering the big American hospitals and dealing with the patients there, But then he remembers the USMLE exams and the fear suddenly comes back to his blood,
    They are hard exams that students should pass to have the permission to specialize in USA, and they need hard work and great patience, It's a road you need a good friend to walk with you in it, and this friend will be the app we are going to introduce to you today

    AMBOSS knowledge library
    An app that will give you all you need to pass usmle exams, it will help you with your study and preparation for the promised day, when you will prove to the american exams committee that you are a good and wise doctor who deserves to specialize in the place you always dreamed about

    App Advantages
    Medical Wiki, a feature the app gives to you that let you search for any medical term or idiom you want, and it will give you the right and exact meaning to it

    It has many peer-reviewed articles published on scientific journals

    The scientific medical content it has is very precise and made up by specialized doctors

    Medical students that use this app say that medicine has become easier, because information are given in special ways using many tables and pictures to make things clear
    Diagnosing diseases will be easier with this app because every single disease is explained very well using everything the student needs such as radiography and lab tests

    It also shows you the indications and contraindications for any medical procedure

    Medical specializations are categorized into internal medicine and surgery, so you will find everything about the one you love the most

    It offers you a simulated experience for the USMLE exams especially some MCQs question for the step 1 and step 2

    About the app
    You don't always need the internet connection, it works offline too

    A small size that won't take up your free storage 

    An easy to use and free app to download

    It's easy on your eyes

    Download the application 
    Get to know your new loyal friend that will help you with your hard road to USA by downloading the app from the link below click here
