القائمة الرئيسية


A collection of poetic encyclopedias in the application of the Encyclopedia of Arabic Poetry

التنقل السريع

     The Arabic language is distinguished from other languages ​​by the presence of a large number of poets who immortalized in their journey many beautiful poems that contain diverse and useful meanings in human life
    The successive Arab and Islamic state flourished in Andalusia, and its poets were distinguished by describing all that was beautiful in that period of time

    In our article today, we will present to you one of the largest poetic encyclopedias that many people around the world like to have

    Details about the application
    It is one of the applications that offers you a wide poetic encyclopedia that contains poets of all ages on the various dates in which they lived
    The poets of the pre-Islamic era (Zuhair Ibn Abi Salma, Al-Nabigha Al-Dhubyani, Imru’ Al-Qais, and Antarah Ibn Shaddad)

    In addition to the poets of the Rashidun and Umayyad period (Al-Khansaa, who is famous for his poems of lamentation, Jarir and Al-Farazdaq, who are famous for their strong hostility to each other, in addition to the presence of Al-Akhtal and the poet of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Hassan bin Thabit and other poets)

    The poets of the Abbasid era, and they are many (Al-Buhtri and Al-Mutanabi are the best poets in history, in addition to Ibn Al-Roumi, who was bereaved by the death of his three children, in addition to other poets such as Abu Al-Nawas)

    The poets of the Andalusian era (Kairouani, Al-Husari, Ibn Zaydun and Al-Nabulsi)
    Poets of the Modern Age (Mahmoud Darwish, Nizar Qabbani, Elia Abu Madi, Ahmad Shawqi, Amir of Poets, Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi)

    In addition to adding a number of poets who were in separate eras that are not dated to periods and related to specific countries, so all poets gather in this application that contains a large encyclopedia

    Advantages of the application
    The application has the ability to search for many poets within it, as there is an advanced search

    You can control the font color, background color, lighting, and many small details within the application

    There is a favorite in the application through which you can refer to the poems that you liked and wanted to hear them again

    You can find different types of poetry in the application, such as praise, slander, mug, feeling, love, and many other branches of poetry)

    Download the application for free without paying any money

    Download the application
    You can download it through this link
