القائمة الرئيسية


Teach me physiology application to learn the basics of physiology

 Physiology is considered one of the most important sciences that students study in the Faculty of Human Medicine, and it is one of the important sciences that establishes the general doctor’s knowledge of diseases and various problems that may affect the body
Therefore, we find students are very interested in studying them and obtaining the necessary knowledge so that they can deal with the various diseases that may affect  human body one day

In our article today, we will talk about one of the distinguished applications that are characterized by their work using artificial intelligence and modern software that has advanced a lot to science and has been used in various scientific fields

Teach Me Physiology App
This application contains a set of detailed and distinctive explanations that the student uses in the field of dealing with diseases and knowing what is the most dangerous disease that he must deal with
 It is a distinct application that you can use in many physiological tasks and areas of medical importance

Teach Me Physiology App Features
In the application there is a set of important information that is useful in using a set of things that help to understand diseases through a set of simplified explanations

The application contains a set of tests that the student can use to evaluate his studies and get the best way to remember all the important information

 In the application there is a set of important charts that help to know all the important information

The application works on all Android devices

You can use the application for free without paying any money or fees

Download the application
You can download it through this link


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