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Spring sensitivity and how to deal with it

 Definition of sensitivity
Allergy, in short, is the inability of the body to tolerate any element different from the elements that the body knows as friendly elements, that is, there are some non-pathogenic elements that the body considers foreign and strange elements, and then a group of inflammatory reactions occur that lead to the occurrence of an allergic problem that harms the patient and does not  occur directly upon exposure for the first time to the same element, but it takes more than one exposure for the body to form a group of antibodies and interact in the next contact

Factors leading to sensitivity
The most important factors influencing the field of sensitivity are the genetic factors that lead to abnormal activity of cells to interact with objects that are not necessarily germs or viruses. It is also possible that the normal development of immune cells affects the allergic process, due to a disorder in the development of T cells and epidemiological, where there is a group of receptors that recognize the cells of the body naturally, and they also recognize some non-pathogenic elements in the body, and when the cells are associated with foreign substances, a group of allergic reactions begins

Allergy problems in the spring
The spring season is the season in which organisms begin to reproduce and mate, and this matter includes all of the animals, plants, and other different organisms. Therefore, grains, dust, soil, pollen, and many other things that spread widely, which helps in this matter and the spread of insects in a large way carry all these materials with you wherever you go

Where does the spring sensitivity mainly affect
Spring allergy affects a wide range of areas in the body, including the skin, respiratory system, sinuses, eyes, and many other things that may appear in a large way in a different group of people, especially those who have genes that are more predisposed to exposure to allergens or sensitizers

How manifests vernal sensitivity
Spring allergy can appear mainly when it affects the lung or sinuses, due to the onset of the appearance of coughing, sneezing, and widely disseminated droplets, where the patient suffers greatly when his allergic attack begins, by coughing extensively and secretly, sometimes blood may come out with coughing It is also possible that some blisters or elevations appear in the skin, which indicate the patient's sensitivity to a certain substance

How to treat spring allergy
Allergy is one of the elements of multifactorial diseases, due to the presence of different environmental elements that can cause it, in addition to the genetic factors that are responsible for the formation of the immune system. Therefore, genetic factors cannot be fixed at all, but it is better to stay away from the different environmental factors that lead to the beginning of the reactive cascade of sensitization, by identifying the substance that the body is sensitive to, and then staying away from it as much as possible. It is possible to take some medications that reduce the allergic process, such as antihistamines

sensitivity application
It is one of the applications through which you can learn how to deal with diseases related to allergies, as the application provides all the important information that you need to know when it comes to allergies that affect humans, starting with definition, symptoms, treatment, prevention, and how to get rid of problems that are associated with allergies, and the application is very suitable for all patients those who suffer from allergies, in addition to workers in the medical field of different academic degrees, due to the modern software it contains, which is very useful in the absence of immunity, allergies in the spring season

Download the application
Download it through this direct link


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