القائمة الرئيسية


Obstetrics & Gyenacology Ultra application

 Every time a woman carries a fetus, she constantly goes to the doctor until he examines her using the echocardiogram, which is one of the modern devices that formed a revolution and a qualitative transfer in medical imaging of the elements within the body, as the echocardiogram provides a great service to patients, because it does not harm any of the parts inside the body  Such as the x-rays found in the simple image or in the computed tomography, as it identifies the existing areas, which leads to deformities in the fetus, for example, or to ectodermal cells that may appear in the body, which are prohibited and forbidden matters when dealing with a pregnant woman

Our article today is about an application that shows beautiful images of both the uterus and placenta of a pregnant woman during the early stages of pregnancy It is a safe, simple and easy-to-use method through which the fetus is photographed. It is the Obstetrics & Gyenacology Ultra application, the application that provides all the equipment and software that the doctor needs to help photographing the fetus inside his mother's womb

Obstetrics & Gyenacology Ultra
It is one of the applications that helps greatly in presenting the natural image of both the uterus and placenta in a pregnant woman. It is an application that specifically helps medical students in understanding the images, understanding the mechanism of the echocardiography device, and how to obtain the image correctly and properly, taking into account the imaging methods and the appropriate angle of imaging through which the device can operate

The application has a large number of advantages
It is a reference application in the field of medical imaging by using the echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound imaging device

All the information contained within the application that helps the student understand how it works and how to obtain an echo image for free

The application provides information about the echocardiogram, that it is completely safe, and how to present the radiographic image without affecting the safety of the fetus

The application presents some images provided for important medical information that helps in how to identify the fetus or other lesions that exist within the womb

Download the application
Via the following link click here


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