القائمة الرئيسية


Emoji Lock Screen App to lock screen with emojis

التنقل السريع

     On the Internet, there are a large number of applications that help people lock their mobile devices in an easy and simple way, but there are some other applications that have creative ideas in which there are distinctive ways to lock the mobile using a picture, face, or an emoji that is useful in turning off a kind of family safety and privacy, in addition to having fun in locking the mobile

    In our article today, we will present to you an application that helps lock the mobile professionally using a set of beautiful emoji that you can use easily and simply to get a unique mobile lock through which you can keep your information confidentially and securely away from any penetration or violation of privacy from any person
    It is a distinguished application that uses artificial intelligence and software in its work. It is the Emoji Lock Screen application that offers great benefit

    Details about the application
    It is an application that enables you to set a screen lock through which you can protect the information on the device away from violation or make it vulnerable to reading by a group of people who may intrude and grab your phone and search for your private information as the application provides a set of emoji that you can use as an algorithm to lock the device and protect the information within it with ease and simplicity

    Application features
    The application is not considered entertainment, but rather an application to protect the device, but it uses good things that add a little fun

    The application is easy, simple and consistent, and you can download it for free

    You can use any different symbol on the device where you can put a strange password formed from a group of emojis that express feelings of love, joy, sadness, anger, sleepiness and many others

    You can add a set of different backgrounds to the device that express various feelings and add the date and time to them

    You can put your own background on which you write some writings, and then it is ready to be the background that you put on your device

    Download the application
    Your can download it through this link 
