القائمة الرئيسية


Urinary system application to identify the parts of the urinary system

التنقل السريع

     The urinary system is one of the most important devices in the body, due to what it provides of excreting elements that exceed the body’s need, which is a group of fluids that are considered useless and not needed by the body, as the urinary system subtracts these fluids and disposes of them directly so that the body can maintain pressure balanced and ensures that there are no edemas or diseases

    Today we will present to you one of the most important applications that have spread widely in the past period because it talks about the elements of the urinary system and allows you to identify all the anatomical elements that the urinary system contains

    Urinary System application
    It is a distinguished application that helps all students to know the anatomical parts of the urinary system, starting from the kidneys, then the ureters, and then the bladder, ending with the urethra, which is divided into the membranous, bulbar, testicular, and penile urethra, or into a short urethra in females
     The urethra varies between males and females, as its length reaches 25 cm in males and four cm in length only in females, which increases the possibility of female infection with lower urinary tract infections

    Urinary System app features
    The application provides many useful information about the anatomy of the urinary system

    The application helps to provide a set of pathological information related to the urinary system and helps patients to overcome these obstacles

    The application provides a set of general tips that are useful in getting rid of urinary infections

    You can get the application for free from the store without paying money, and it is characterized by its low volume

    The application offers a set of important treatments that can be used in various diseases, especially parasites

    Download the application
    Through this link click here
