القائمة الرئيسية


Akinotor game to get to know the world famous personalities

التنقل السريع

     There are a large number of famous personalities that are very popular on the Internet and on social media platforms, and doing the opposite There are also some people who have spread widely on the Internet because they are influential people on websites, so we found some applications that challenge every person and ask him some questions until you get to know a group of important information

    In today's article, we will present to you one of the beautiful applications that greatly helps to identify influential and famous people in the world based on cultural, economic, social or religious matters, or even if they are influential on social networking sites, which is the Akinator game, and it is one of the best software-based games  Modernity in its wide scope of work

    Game information
    It is an electronic game spread on the Internet and there is an application and a website on which you can play the game on them with ease and the game can get to know the characters that you will expect as the application depends on a set of important questions that are found in the application in a simple and easy way as it asks you about the person if he is male  Or a female, or if he was an Arab or a foreigner, or even ask you about his field and some different information until he reaches the personality that you put in your mind, and then he will give you the answer quickly

    Game features
    One of the beautiful games that can easily tell you the person you are thinking about right now

    The game offers a set of correct guesses, and the accuracy of the guesses has reached more than 99%, due to the high-quality software capabilities this game possesses

    You can add different characters to this game so that the application will recognize them in later periods

    This game can work in many languages, and so far it can work in 16 languages, which are Arabic, English, Russian, French, Italian, German, and other common international languages

    The game has a high and distinctive graphic design and three-dimensional graphics

    Download the game
    Via the following link click here
