القائمة الرئيسية


Medical lab tests and examination application in Arabic

التنقل السريع

     No matter how much the technological development gave to doctors, the clinical examination and the accurate patient's history will always be the best way to reach the right diagnosis

    When doctors use their clinical skills to examine the patient they can memorize all the information they once studied during their university time, and then they can ask the patient to do some lab tests or to use radiography to finally choose the right differential diagnosis

    Today we are going to talk about an app that will help you to do the clinical examination correctly and also it will tell you about the information and the extra tests you can think about to ensure the first diagnosis that popped up to your mind

    Medical lab tests and examination
    This app will teach you about patient's questioning so you can take the information you need from him easily, and it will also show you the right way that you should use to do a correct clinical examination starting from inspection and ending with auscultation, and all these information will be Illustrated by many pictures that you can remember easily

    And as you already know when you will examine the patient you have to start with each system separately, this app will also teach you to do so correctly, this will be done by categorizing the body systems so you can choose the one you want easily, for example, you will open the gastrointestinal part to see that you should ask him about nausea and vomiting or about any burning feeling in his chest

    About the app
    It's free to download
    It's up to date
    It works offline so you can open it wherever you are and you need any clinical skill

    After using this app we promise you to be a better doctor who doesn't need any tool to help him but his brain, so start downloading the special app by clicking on the link below
