القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع

     AI stands for artificial intelligence which is now everywhere around us almost everything the human can do now ai can do it for him so he saves time and efforts

    So now we can see that AI solves problems, manages companies and also reads lab tests, but the thing that Humanity didn't expect few years before is that AI will be our friend that we can spend time with it, have fun and tell it our secrets

    How can we use artificial intelligence
    actually AI is now used for everything, you only have to tell it for once how to do something and then it will do it more and more, so now he became the doctor's assistant or it's used for designing a new game, and also it can be your hotel receptionist

    About AI Open ChatBot
    Actually this app will help you with anything you want, if you want to know about the news surrounding you you can ask it, and if you don't have a friend to talk to, this app will be your new friend, you can chat with him and ask him to help you dealing with your problems

    You can make long conversation with this app talking about everything you want like the newest news about any medical topic you want, or you can also ask him about your country's history

    if you feel down this app will give you advices about what to do to refresh your life like doing sports or having a new hobby

    This app can also help you with your business so if you are translator this app will give you the meaning about any idiom you don't know, and if you work in counting this app may solve the sophisticated problems you are trying to solve

    This app is an easy app to use and it's also free to download, it's updateable and suits all versions of Android starting from version 6.0, and it's only 38 megabytes to install

    So start having a new friend or a new assistant in your life which can help you in anything you do from having fun to doing serious businesses, you only have to click on the link below click here
