القائمة الرئيسية


Types of personalities and how to deal with each one

التنقل السريع

     You may know that every one of us has his own fingerprint, but the new fact that you may don't know is that even every one of us has his own personality that isn't similar to anybody else in the world

    Even if you think that you found your soulmate, then he's probably the most matched one with you, but he's not you
    Since eternally humanity tried to find the definition about what is human and what it's personality until the last decided to set it that it is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character

    Psychologists worked hard to study personalities, and they found that it's formed out of two components, the first is inherited, it's coded on your DNA, and it may be similar to your parents but the other is acquired after what all you live and experience in your life

    Even that we are all different from each other, we are all categorized into 7 types of personalities we share
    Let's talk about those 7 types and what are the characteristics that each one has

    Social Personality
    Those are the kind people you know, they make friends wherever they go, everyone loves them and love talking to them, those people are good listeners, they listen to your opinions and accept them

    Introvert Personality
    Those people stay at their homes, they hate dealing with people, they hate talking to everybody and don't believe in them, those people live their lives lonely and away from others
    Sensitive Personality
    Those people are maudlin, they get too happy and too sad about things, when something good happens to the people they love, they got extreme happy, and they may cry for days when something bad happens, you have to pay attention to what you are telling them

    Wronged Personality
    Those people are very hard to treat, they always think that they are oppressed, they see other people as enemies, they never see the good about anything, and you can't see them but complaining about everything around them

    Narcissistic personality
    Those people see themselves at the top, they have very high self-esteem, and see others as inferiors, they lack empathy and think that they always deserve the best in everything

    Nervous Personality
    You are just about to tell them a little thing, and suddenly they get very mad, they talk very loudly and can't listen to you because they are always nervous and aggressive

    Attractive Personality
    You'll definitely choose this type to be your friend, those are the funniest, coolest, and have the most beautiful smiles, they love people and they love to help others

    So now you know all the types of personalities tell us about yours

    Actually there are a lot of factors that affect our type of personality, including the family, the school we spent most of our time in, and also the neighborhood will live in
    In fact, heredity also plays a big role and forming our personality
    If you ever met someone from the foreign country then you'll notice that he is a lot different from you, this insures that the place you grow up in, will difine who you are

    No matter what your personality is you can always improve yourself and your personality
     So you can accept others, listen to other options, and you can also train yourself to see the positivity in everything around you

    Reaching to our app's paragraph, we are going to talk about an app that will help people who have some psychological issues to get rid of them, by giving them the chance to talk to psycology specialists who studied hard to get to know how to deal with different types of people and work with them to change their view to life, this app will be like the therapist who you can talk to and get relaxed
    You can download this app for free by clicking on the link below click here
