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Cardiac Auscultation App To Hear Heart sounds

 It's the secret of our lives, we can't continue living without it, it's a small sized with a pivotal role muscle in our body

Your heart lives in your chest, making from the ribs its sheild, that protects it from hits and traumas, Your heart feeds on blood, and it is generous, it also sends its food to other organs, he pumps 24/24 to feed other organs, he works as their kind mother

According to this necessity, the cardiac muscle may be the most important organ, and dealing with its diseases is sensitive, you can't have any mistake

As a doctor or a medical student, you have to know very well about the normal cardiac examination, preparing yourself to be ready to diagnose the abnormalities, studying cardiology is sometimes hard, but today we are going to introduce you to a one way to make it somehow easier, it's Cardiac Auscultation App

This app lets you listen to the heart music, when the ventricle contrasts, and the valve claused, you will hear the heart singing, let's get to now this app better

Apps Advantages
You'll start with having a quick revision about the anatomy of the cardiac muscle and the circulation system

You can also have a little reminder of the clinical skills that make you take the medical history of the patient in an easy strategical way

This app will give you some clinical stories you can read it to strengthen your skills in dealing with patients

This app will be your stethoscope, You can hear using this the normal heart sounds and the abnormal ones, such as systolic and diastolic murmurs

You can have some tests and quizzes to make sure your information are correct and accurate

About the App
an easy to use free to download app that won't take up your free storage because it has a small size of installation

Download the application 
Start listening to the heart sounds and make the cardiac auscultation easier by downloading our special app for medical student after clicking on the link below click here


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