القائمة الرئيسية


Protect your self from infection with today's app

التنقل السريع

     If you once saw a scope somewhere, try using it to see everything around you, believe me, you will be shocked
    Everything surrounding us is full with tiny microscopic ceatures, called bacteria

    We all live with many germs, they may sometimes be good to us, but once this tiny bug turnes into a pathogen, it becomes an evil

    Many diseases are caused because of bacteria and viruses, these are called infections disease, they are sometimes simple and easy to manage, and other times become very dangerous
    And due to the random malformed use of antibiotics, the bacterial world became  stronger and more serious

    And as we all care about our health, and we try to keep away from diseases, today we are going to talk about an app that will help us

    An app that will make our environment neat and clean, and with no dangerous bateria following us

    App Advantages
    It's a special app that offers you a special type of health care

    There are many companies that offer people sterilization services, but we may don't know them well, this app will connect build bridges between the one who needs a place to be sterilized and the people who can help him

    To ask the company to come to you, you have to fill up a requesting form, which asks you about specific details such as the place you want to sterilize and the directions to reach it

    After you send the request, this app will tell you if it's delivered or not yet

    How to Use
    An easy to use app that you can download it for free and it's also an updatable one, but your device must be with 6.0 version of android so you can download the app

    Download the application 
    Start downloading this special app from the link below click here
