القائمة الرئيسية


 We all go to doctors when we get sick, doctors are the whilte angels with their lab coats, they worked hard to deal with us and with our diseases, they make from lab tests and biopsies their right hand to take them to the accurate doagnosis, actually, the unknown soldier, the one who works in the dark, is the pathologist

Pathology is an important part of medicine, which uses the small microscopes to see the big world inside us, adding some colors and adding some chemical solutions, to see the multiple organs and tissues 

Studying pathology is sometimes a challenge, even as a subject for medical students, because you will have hundreds of pinky pictures with hundreds diseases and you have to memorize all of them with their special pathology signs

The app we are going to talk about today will make pathology easier, you will have some real blood films or pap smears to study

Let's start talking about Medical Parasitology Lab app, made for our future pathologists

Apps Features
As biopsies are sometimes made to see the tiny microbiotics living between our cells, this app gives you some explanation about the bacteria and the parasites that infect humans, and make from their body a delicious dinner

This app will let you have a look on the most important references to study pathology and microbiology such as Robbins and Koneman's Color Atlas

The app will give you many pictures of the different organs and tissues and their diseases in your body

They are all categorized in a easy way to search for

About the App
An easy to use app
It's a free one
It suits all types of android versions 
It's not that big sized to install

Download the application 
That's it for today, start preparing perfectly for your pathology exam with this special app by clicking on the link below click here


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