القائمة الرئيسية


 Do you know what is the biggest organ in your body? Actually, most of us don't know that it is the skin

Your skin plays a big role in your life, it's the army that prevents bacteria from entering to your inner organs, and it also protects water from escaping from your body
And due to this importance of the skin, dermatologists work hard to deal with the many diseases affecting your skin, which they may be hard to diagnose because they all have similar symptoms and clinical pictures and they are also chronic and hard to treat

Actually, the worst thing about the cutaneous diseases is that they are obvious and everyone around the patient can see the deformed lesions this may lead to some psychological problems and a low self-esteem
One of the most common dermatological diseases is acne, almost everyday, a dermatologist will deal with a  teenager suffering from those multiple pustules on his face
In fact acne may be a bad enemy because it's not only painful but also affects the person's appearance, so the boy or the girl may be having some good pictures for their memories in their graduation party or their 30's birthday but their faces are red and full of little scars

And because of the big irritating role in the patient's life of this disease, treating it is a must, and you probably once heard about the Retane medication

Today we are going to talk about this medication, if you are about to talk it, read this article to know about it better

 is a vitamin A derivative, which named  scientifically by isotretinoin, it is a type of retinoids that work as a treatment for acne by affecting the sebaceous glands that are in the hair follicles in the dermis, its way of working is not clear enough yet, but scientists think that decreasing the amounts of the fatty secretions and the unblocking of clogged follicles can prevent from new inflammed pustules, and this may be a hypothesis for its strategy

When to use Retane and when not to
Actually, retane is the last line of treatment, doctors try to start with antibiotics because the bacteria is also accused to cause acne, but when the antibiotics fail, retane must be used
But you don't have to fear using retane because it's a safe medication for use, especially in some cases, where retane becomes a contraindication, such as pregnancy, because it's believed to be teratogen
And as all other medications, some people may be allergic to retane, those must pay attention when dealing with drugs because they may have an anaphylactic shock, and if you also have an inflammation in your body and you are taking cyclins which is a type of antibiotics, you can't start using retane, you will have to finish the antibiotic course and then start with retane

Some doctors ask patients to do some lab tests to make sure that it's safe for them to take retane, those lab tests are pregnancy tests, cholesterol and tags, CBC and the liver function tests (ALT and AST), so if your doctor asks you to, don’t get terrified, he only wants you to be safe

How Long will you use retane
In fact, the duration of retane using differs from one person to another, some patients need only 3 to 5 months to be completely cured, but other's duration may last for one year at least!
This drug is at least made to be taken orally so it's easy and you don't have anyone to help you with it, so no matter how long was your period, gather your patience

And now it's the time for talking about an app that will help you with dealind with acne, it's called treating acne for oily skin, why this name 
Because acne is most common among people with oily skin, also it can come to the normal type of skin too

This app wil help you to make some effective powders using natural contents from your own home, you will get the recipes to make some good creams and gels
You can also read about many useful articles talking about the last information about acne and its treatment, and what types of food can increase it for example

Download the application 
Start downloading from the link below, and say goodbye to acne click here


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