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Write by voice speech to text application to convert audio into written text

 Many writers suffer from the length of time that the article consumes in writing the limit required of it in each article, so we found a group of important applications that help each person to write articles using his voice by teaching the application some important words that he wants to write, and then the application writes them in the language that it is predetermined

We have chosen for you among the applications that help write by voice the best application that is concerned with the field of sound and software, which is the Write by voice speech to text application, and it is an application that is able to transfer all what you say in various languages ​​into a good written text

Application contents
The application is considered one of the simplest applications that can be used in the field of converting audio into written text, because it has a simple and easy interface, and there is a microphone in it that you can press and start speaking according to the language you specify, and then the application writes the words you want in an easy and simple way on the screen

Application features
The application enables you to share all the words that you have converted into text through various social networking sites

The application can enter the voices spoken by people in a technically advanced manner because of the tools it contains

The application supports Arabic, English, French, Russian, German, Italian and many others

You can save a very large group of documents without stopping or running out of space

The size of the application does not exceed 3 MB

The app has both night mode and day mode

The application needs an internet connection in order to provide you with quality and the ability to transfer speech into voice

Download the application
You can download it easily through the following link click here


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